Monday, October 25, 2010

Reading & Writing Text File One Line at a Time

int counter = 0;
string line;

// Read the file and display it line by line.
System.IO.StreamReader file =
new System.IO.StreamReader("c:\\test.txt");
while((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
Console.WriteLine (line);


// Suspend the screen.

// Compose a string that consists of three lines.
string lines = "First line.\r\nSecond line.\r\nThird line.";

// Write the string to a file.
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.txt");


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paging in SQL Server

declare @PageIndex int
declare @pageSize int
declare @startindex int
declare @endindex int

set @PageIndex = 1
set @pageSize = 10

set @startindex = @pageindex
set @endindex = @pagesize

(@pageindex > 1)
set @endindex = @pageSize * @PageIndex
set @startindex = (@endindex - @pageSize ) + 1

Declare @totalrows int
select @totalrows =count(company_code) from tbl_CMT_Company
select *,@totalrows as totalRecords from
select Company_code,name,Arabic_name,
Row_number() over (order by Company_code) as rowindex
from tbl_CMT_Company
) as pageresult
where rowindex >=@startindex and rowindex <=@endindex

Friday, October 22, 2010

how to search value in Array

using System;

class Program
static void Main()
// Example integer array is declared.
int[] array = new int[6];
array[0] = 1;
array[1] = 3;
array[2] = 5;
array[3] = 7;
array[4] = 8;
array[5] = 5;

// Find index of element with value 5.
int index1 = Array.IndexOf(array, 5);

// Find index of value 3.
int index2 = Array.IndexOf(array, 3);

// Find last index of 5.
int index3 = Array.LastIndexOf(array, 5);

// Write the results.

=== Output of the program ===


if (Array.IndexOf("StringArray", "ValueToFind") != -1)
//If found
//your code goes here
// Not found

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flagging Unsaved Data

*script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"&
var myarray;
window.onload = function(e)
myarray=new Array(document.forms["aspnetForm"].elements.length)
for (var j=0; j < document.forms["aspnetForm"].elements.length; j++)
myarray[j]=new Array(3)

for (var i = 0; i < document.forms["aspnetForm"].elements.length; i++)
var element = document.forms["aspnetForm"].elements[i];
var type = element.type;

myarray[i][0] = element;
myarray[i][1] = type;

if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio")
if (element.checked)
myarray[i][2] = true;
myarray[i][2] = false;
else if (type == "password" || type == "text" ||
type == "textarea")
// if( type == "textarea")
// {
// var textDesc = this.editor_getHTML('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBodyMessage');
// if(textDesc != undefined || textDesc != null)
// myarray[i][2] = textDesc;
// else
// {
// if(element.value != "")
// myarray[i][2] = element.value;
// else
// myarray[i][2] = "";
// }
// }
// else
if(element.value != "")
myarray[i][2] = element.value;
myarray[i][2] = "";

else if (type == "select-one" || type == "select-multiple")
for (var j = 0; j < element.options.length; j++)
if (element.options[j].selected)
myarray[i][2] = j;
myarray[i][2] = "";

window.onbeforeunload = function(e)

e = e || window.event;

var hdnButton = document.getElementById("hdnClicked");
if( hdnButton != null && hdnButton != '' && hdnButton != undefined)
if(hdnButton.value != "save")
if (formIsDirty(document.forms["aspnetForm"]))
if (e)
e.returnValue = "You have unsaved data on this page and are attempting to navigate away without saving.";
if (formIsDirty(document.forms["aspnetForm"]))
if (e)
e.returnValue = "You have unsaved data on this page and are attempting to navigate away without saving.";
function formIsDirty(form)
for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++)
var element = form.elements[i];
var type = element.type;
if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio")
if(myarray[i][2] != undefined)
if (element.checked != myarray[i][2])
return true;
else if (type == "password" || type == "text" ||
type == "textarea")
if( myarray[i][2] != undefined)
// if(type =="textarea")
// {
// if(element.value != "


// {
// if (element.value != myarray[i][2])
// return true;
// }
// }
// else
if (element.value != myarray[i][2])
return true;
else if (type == "select-one" || type == "select-multiple")
for (var j = 0; j < element.options.length; j++)
if (element.options[j].selected)
if( j != myarray[i][2])
return true;
return false;

function GetClicked()

var hdnButton = document.getElementById("hdnClicked");
if( hdnButton != null && hdnButton != '' && hdnButton != undefined)
hdnButton.value = "save";


OnClick="btnSave_Click" ValidationGroup="vldSave" OnClientClick="GetClicked();" />


ScriptManager scriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Yield
class Yield
public static class NumberList
// Create an array of integers.
public static int[] ints = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 };

// Define a property that returns only the even numbers.
public static IEnumerable GetEven()
// Use yield to return the even numbers in the list.
foreach (int i in ints)
if (i % 2 == 0)
yield return i;

// Define a property that returns only the even numbers.
public static IEnumerable GetOdd()
// Use yield to return only the odd numbers.
foreach (int i in ints)
if (i % 2 == 1)
yield return i;

static void Main(string[] args)

// Display the even numbers.
Console.WriteLine("Even numbers");
foreach (int i in NumberList.GetEven())

// Display the odd numbers.
Console.WriteLine("Odd numbers");
foreach (int i in NumberList.GetOdd())


//Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

// conversion.cs
using System;

struct RomanNumeral
public RomanNumeral(int value)
this.value = value;
// Declare a conversion from an int to a RomanNumeral. Note the
// the use of the operator keyword. This is a conversion
// operator named RomanNumeral:
static public implicit operator RomanNumeral(int value)
// Note that because RomanNumeral is declared as a struct,
// calling new on the struct merely calls the constructor
// rather than allocating an object on the heap:
return new RomanNumeral(value);
// Declare an explicit conversion from a RomanNumeral to an int:
static public explicit operator int(RomanNumeral roman)
return roman.value;
// Declare an implicit conversion from a RomanNumeral to
// a string:
static public implicit operator string(RomanNumeral roman)
return("Conversion not yet implemented");
private int value;

class Test
static public void Main()
RomanNumeral numeral;

numeral = 10;

// Call the explicit conversion from numeral to int. Because it is
// an explicit conversion, a cast must be used:

// Call the implicit conversion to string. Because there is no
// cast, the implicit conversion to string is the only
// conversion that is considered:

// Call the explicit conversion from numeral to int and
// then the explicit conversion from int to short:
short s = (short)numeral;


// structconversion.cs
using System;

struct RomanNumeral
public RomanNumeral(int value)
this.value = value;
static public implicit operator RomanNumeral(int value)
return new RomanNumeral(value);
static public implicit operator RomanNumeral(BinaryNumeral binary)
return new RomanNumeral((int)binary);
static public explicit operator int(RomanNumeral roman)
return roman.value;
static public implicit operator string(RomanNumeral roman)
return("Conversion not yet implemented");
private int value;

struct BinaryNumeral
public BinaryNumeral(int value)
this.value = value;
static public implicit operator BinaryNumeral(int value)
return new BinaryNumeral(value);
static public implicit operator string(BinaryNumeral binary)
return("Conversion not yet implemented");
static public explicit operator int(BinaryNumeral binary)

private int value;

class Test
static public void Main()
RomanNumeral roman;
roman = 10;
BinaryNumeral binary;
// Perform a conversion from a RomanNumeral to a
// BinaryNumeral:
binary = (BinaryNumeral)(int)roman;
// Performs a conversion from a BinaryNumeral to a RomanNumeral.
// No cast is required:
roman = binary;


using System;
using System.Threading;

// The Fibonacci class provides an interface for using an auxiliary
// thread to perform the lengthy Fibonacci(N) calculation.
// N is provided to the Fibonacci constructor, along with an
// event that the object signals when the operation is complete.
// The result can then be retrieved with the FibOfN property.
public class Fibonacci
public Fibonacci(int n, ManualResetEvent doneEvent)
_n = n;
_doneEvent = doneEvent;

// Wrapper method for use with thread pool.
public void ThreadPoolCallback(Object threadContext)
int threadIndex = (int)threadContext;
Console.WriteLine("thread {0} started...", threadIndex);
_fibOfN = Calculate(_n);
Console.WriteLine("thread {0} result calculated...", threadIndex);

// Recursive method that calculates the Nth Fibonacci number.
public int Calculate(int n)
if (n <= 1)
return n;
return Calculate(n - 1) + Calculate(n - 2);

public int N { get { return _n; } }
private int _n;

public int FibOfN { get { return _fibOfN; } }
private int _fibOfN;

ManualResetEvent _doneEvent;

public class ThreadPoolExample
static void Main()
const int FibonacciCalculations = 10;

// One event is used for each Fibonacci object
ManualResetEvent[] doneEvents = new ManualResetEvent[FibonacciCalculations];
Fibonacci[] fibArray = new Fibonacci[FibonacciCalculations];
Random r = new Random();

// Configure and launch threads using ThreadPool:
Console.WriteLine("launching {0} tasks...", FibonacciCalculations);
for (int i = 0; i < FibonacciCalculations; i++)
doneEvents[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Fibonacci f = new Fibonacci(r.Next(20,40), doneEvents[i]);
fibArray[i] = f;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(f.ThreadPoolCallback, i);

// Wait for all threads in pool to calculation...
Console.WriteLine("Calculations complete.");

// Display the results...
for (int i= 0; i {
Fibonacci f = fibArray[i];
Console.WriteLine("Fibonacci({0}) = {1}", f.N, f.FibOfN);

using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Worker
// This method will be called when the thread is started.
public void DoWork()
while (!_shouldStop)
Console.WriteLine("worker thread: working...");
Console.WriteLine("worker thread: terminating gracefully.");
public void RequestStop()
_shouldStop = true;
// Volatile is used as hint to the compiler that this data
// member will be accessed by multiple threads.
private volatile bool _shouldStop;

public class WorkerThreadExample
static void Main()
// Create the thread object. This does not start the thread.
Worker workerObject = new Worker();
Thread workerThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork);

// Start the worker thread.
Console.WriteLine("main thread: Starting worker thread...");

// Loop until worker thread activates.
while (!workerThread.IsAlive);

// Put the main thread to sleep for 1 millisecond to
// allow the worker thread to do some work:

// Request that the worker thread stop itself:

// Use the Join method to block the current thread
// until the object's thread terminates.
Console.WriteLine("main thread: Worker thread has terminated.");

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// The thread synchronization events are encapsulated in this
// class to allow them to easily be passed to the Consumer and
// Producer classes.
public class SyncEvents
public SyncEvents()
// AutoResetEvent is used for the "new item" event because
// we want this event to reset automatically each time the
// consumer thread responds to this event.
_newItemEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

// ManualResetEvent is used for the "exit" event because
// we want multiple threads to respond when this event is
// signaled. If we used AutoResetEvent instead, the event
// object would revert to a non-signaled state with after
// a single thread responded, and the other thread would
// fail to terminate.
_exitThreadEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

// The two events are placed in a WaitHandle array as well so
// that the consumer thread can block on both events using
// the WaitAny method.
_eventArray = new WaitHandle[2];
_eventArray[0] = _newItemEvent;
_eventArray[1] = _exitThreadEvent;

// Public properties allow safe access to the events.
public EventWaitHandle ExitThreadEvent
get { return _exitThreadEvent; }
public EventWaitHandle NewItemEvent
get { return _newItemEvent; }
public WaitHandle[] EventArray
get { return _eventArray; }

private EventWaitHandle _newItemEvent;
private EventWaitHandle _exitThreadEvent;
private WaitHandle[] _eventArray;

// The Producer class asynchronously (using a worker thread)
// adds items to the queue until there are 20 items.
public class Producer
public Producer(Queue q, SyncEvents e)
_queue = q;
_syncEvents = e;
public void ThreadRun()
int count = 0;
Random r = new Random();
while (!_syncEvents.ExitThreadEvent.WaitOne(0, false))
lock (((ICollection)_queue).SyncRoot)
while (_queue.Count < 20)
_queue.Enqueue(r.Next(0, 100));
Console.WriteLine("Producer thread: produced {0} items", count);
private Queue _queue;
private SyncEvents _syncEvents;

// The Consumer class uses its own worker thread to consume items
// in the queue. The Producer class notifies the Consumer class
// of new items with the NewItemEvent.
public class Consumer
public Consumer(Queue q, SyncEvents e)
_queue = q;
_syncEvents = e;
public void ThreadRun()
int count = 0;
while (WaitHandle.WaitAny(_syncEvents.EventArray) != 1)
lock (((ICollection)_queue).SyncRoot)
int item = _queue.Dequeue();
Console.WriteLine("Consumer Thread: consumed {0} items", count);
private Queue _queue;
private SyncEvents _syncEvents;

public class ThreadSyncSample
private static void ShowQueueContents(Queue q)
// Enumerating a collection is inherently not thread-safe,
// so it is imperative that the collection be locked throughout
// the enumeration to prevent the consumer and producer threads
// from modifying the contents. (This method is called by the
// primary thread only.)
lock (((ICollection)q).SyncRoot)
foreach (int i in q)
Console.Write("{0} ", i);

static void Main()
// Configure struct containing event information required
// for thread synchronization.
SyncEvents syncEvents = new SyncEvents();

// Generic Queue collection is used to store items to be
// produced and consumed. In this case 'int' is used.
Queue queue = new Queue();

// Create objects, one to produce items, and one to
// consume. The queue and the thread synchronization
// events are passed to both objects.
Console.WriteLine("Configuring worker threads...");
Producer producer = new Producer(queue, syncEvents);
Consumer consumer = new Consumer(queue, syncEvents);

// Create the thread objects for producer and consumer
// objects. This step does not create or launch the
// actual threads.
Thread producerThread = new Thread(producer.ThreadRun);
Thread consumerThread = new Thread(consumer.ThreadRun);

// Create and launch both threads.
Console.WriteLine("Launching producer and consumer threads...");

// Let producer and consumer threads run for 10 seconds.
// Use the primary thread (the thread executing this method)
// to display the queue contents every 2.5 seconds.
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

// Signal both consumer and producer thread to terminate.
// Both threads will respond because ExitThreadEvent is a
// manual-reset event--so it stays 'set' unless explicitly reset.
Console.WriteLine("Signaling threads to terminate...");

// Use Join to block primary thread, first until the producer thread
// terminates, then until the consumer thread terminates.
Console.WriteLine("main thread waiting for threads to finish...");


//Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

// struct1.cs
using System;
struct SimpleStruct
private int xval;
public int X
return xval;
if (value < 100)
xval = value;
public void DisplayX()
Console.WriteLine("The stored value is: {0}", xval);

class TestClass
public static void Main()
SimpleStruct ss = new SimpleStruct();
ss.X = 5;

// struct2.cs
using System;

class TheClass
public int x;

struct TheStruct
public int x;

class TestClass
public static void structtaker(TheStruct s)
s.x = 5;
public static void classtaker(TheClass c)
c.x = 5;
public static void Main()
TheStruct a = new TheStruct();
TheClass b = new TheClass();
a.x = 1;
b.x = 1;
Console.WriteLine("a.x = {0}", a.x);
Console.WriteLine("b.x = {0}", b.x);

Suppress Security

// SuppressSecurity.cs
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class NativeMethods
// This is a call to unmanaged code. Executing this method requires
// the UnmanagedCode security permission. Without this permission,
// an attempt to call this method will throw a SecurityException:
/* NOTE: The SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute disables the
check for the UnmanagedCode permission at runtime. Be Careful! */
internal static extern int puts(string str);
internal static extern int _flushall();

class MainClass
// The security permission attached to this method will remove the
// UnmanagedCode permission from the current set of permissions for
// the duration of the call to this method.
// Even though the CallUnmanagedCodeWithoutPermission method is
// called from a stack frame that already calls
// Assert for unmanaged code, you still cannot call native code.
// Because this method is attached with the Deny permission for
// unmanaged code, the permission gets overwritten. However, because
// you are using SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute here, you can
// still call the unmanaged methods successfully.
// The code should use other security checks to ensure that you don't
// incur a security hole.
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Deny, Flags =
private static void CallUnmanagedCodeWithoutPermission()
// The UnmanagedCode security check is disbled on the call
// below. However, the unmanaged call only displays UI. The
// security will be ensured by only allowing the unmanaged
// call if there is a UI permission.
UIPermission uiPermission =
new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);

Console.WriteLine("Attempting to call unmanaged code without UnmanagedCode permission.");
NativeMethods.puts("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Called unmanaged code without UnmanagedCode permission.");
catch (SecurityException)
Console.WriteLine("Caught Security Exception attempting to call unmanaged code.");

// The security permission attached to this method will add the
// UnmanagedCode permission to the current set of permissions for the
// duration of the call to this method.
// Even though the CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission method is called
// from a stack frame that already calls
// Deny for unmanaged code, it will not prevent you from calling
// native code. Because this method is attached with the Assert
// permission for unmanaged code, the permission gets overwritten.
// Because you are using SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute here,
// you can call the unmanaged methods successfully.
// The SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute will let you succeed,
// even if you don't have a permission.
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags =
private static void CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission()
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to call unmanaged code with permission.");
NativeMethods.puts("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Called unmanaged code with permission.");
catch (SecurityException)
Console.WriteLine("Caught Security Exception attempting to call unmanaged code. Whoops!");

public static void Main()
SecurityPermission perm = new

// The method itself is attached with the security permission Deny
// for unmanaged code, which will override the Assert permission in
// this stack frame. However, because you are using
// SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, you can still call the
// unmanaged methods successfully.
// The code should use other security checks to ensure that you
// don't incur a security hole.

// The method itself is attached with the security permission
// Assert for unmanaged code, which will override the Deny
// permission in this stack frame. Because you are using
// SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, you can call the
// unmanaged methods successfully.
// The SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute will let you succeed,
// even if you don't have a permission.

Declarative Security

// DeclarativeSecurity.cs
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class NativeMethods
// This is a call to unmanaged code. Executing this method requires
// the UnmanagedCode security permission. Without this permission,
// an attempt to call this method will throw a SecurityException:
public static extern int puts(string str);
internal static extern int _flushall();

class MainClass
// The security permission attached to this method will deny the
// UnmanagedCode permission from the current set of permissions for
// the duration of the call to this method:
// Even though the CallUnmanagedCodeWithoutPermission method is
// called from a stack frame that already calls
// Assert for unmanaged code, you still cannot call native code.
// Because this function is attached with the Deny permission for
// unmanaged code, the permission gets overwritten.
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Deny, Flags =
private static void CallUnmanagedCodeWithoutPermission()
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to call unmanaged code without permission.");
NativeMethods.puts("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Called unmanaged code without permission. Whoops!");
catch (SecurityException)
Console.WriteLine("Caught Security Exception attempting to call unmanaged code.");

// The security permission attached to this method will force a
// runtime check for the unmanaged code permission whenever
// this method is called. If the caller does not have unmanaged code
// permission, then the call will generate a Security Exception.
// Even though the CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission method is called
// from a stack frame that already calls
// Deny for unmanaged code, it will not prevent you from calling
// native code. Because this method is attached with the Assert
// permission for unmanaged code, the permission gets overwritten.
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags =
private static void CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission()
Console.WriteLine("Attempting to call unmanaged code with permission.");
NativeMethods.puts("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Called unmanaged code with permission.");
catch (SecurityException)
Console.WriteLine("Caught Security Exception attempting to call unmanaged code. Whoops!");

public static void Main()
SecurityPermission perm = new

// The method itself is attached with the security permission
// Deny for unmanaged code, which will override
// the Assert permission in this stack frame.

// The method itself is attached with the security permission
// Assert for unmanaged code, which will override the Deny
// permission in this stack frame.

Imperative Security

// ImperativeSecurity.cs
using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class NativeMethods
// This is a call to unmanaged code. Executing this method requires
// the UnmanagedCode security permission. Without this permission
// an attempt to call this method will throw a SecurityException:
public static extern int puts(string str);
internal static extern int _flushall();

class MainClass
private static void CallUnmanagedCodeWithoutPermission()
// Create a security permission object to describe the
// UnmanagedCode permission:
SecurityPermission perm =
new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode);

// Deny the UnmanagedCode from our current set of permissions.
// Any method that is called on this thread until this method
// returns will be denied access to unmanaged code.
// Even though the CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission method
// is called from a stack frame that already
// calls Assert for unmanaged code, you still cannot call native
// code. Because you use Deny here, the permission gets
// overwritten.

Console.WriteLine("Attempting to call unmanaged code without permission.");
NativeMethods.puts("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Called unmanaged code without permission. Whoops!");
catch (SecurityException)
Console.WriteLine("Caught Security Exception attempting to call unmanaged code.");

private static void CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission()
// Create a security permission object to describe the
// UnmanagedCode permission:
SecurityPermission perm =
new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode);

// Check that you have permission to access unmanaged code.
// If you don't have permission to access unmanaged code, then
// this call will throw a SecurityException.
// Even though the CallUnmanagedCodeWithPermission method
// is called from a stack frame that already
// calls Assert for unmanaged code, you still cannot call native
// code. Because you use Deny here, the permission gets
// overwritten.

Console.WriteLine("Attempting to call unmanaged code with permission.");
NativeMethods.puts("Hello World!");
Console.WriteLine("Called unmanaged code with permission.");
catch (SecurityException)
Console.WriteLine("Caught Security Exception attempting to call unmanaged code. Whoops!");

public static void Main()
// The method itself will call the security permission Deny
// for unmanaged code, which will override the Assert permission
// in this stack frame.
SecurityPermission perm = new

// The method itself will call the security permission Assert
// for unmanaged code, which will override the Deny permission in
// this stack frame.


// person.cs
using System;
class Person
private string myName ="N/A";
private int myAge = 0;

// Declare a Name property of type string:
public string Name
return myName;
myName = value;

// Declare an Age property of type int:
public int Age
return myAge;
myAge = value;

public override string ToString()
return "Name = " + Name + ", Age = " + Age;

public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Simple Properties");

// Create a new Person object:
Person person = new Person();

// Print out the name and the age associated with the person:
Console.WriteLine("Person details - {0}", person);

// Set some values on the person object:
person.Name = "Joe";
person.Age = 99;
Console.WriteLine("Person details - {0}", person);

// Increment the Age property:
person.Age += 1;
Console.WriteLine("Person details - {0}", person);

// shapes.cs
// compile with: /target:library /reference:abstractshape.dll
public class Square : Shape
private int mySide;

public Square(int side, string id) : base(id)
mySide = side;

public override double Area
// Given the side, return the area of a square:
return mySide * mySide;

public class Circle : Shape
private int myRadius;

public Circle(int radius, string id) : base(id)
myRadius = radius;

public override double Area
// Given the radius, return the area of a circle:
return myRadius * myRadius * System.Math.PI;

public class Rectangle : Shape
private int myWidth;
private int myHeight;

public Rectangle(int width, int height, string id) : base(id)
myWidth = width;
myHeight = height;

public override double Area
// Given the width and height, return the area of a rectangle:
return myWidth * myHeight;

// shapetest.cs
// compile with: /reference:abstractshape.dll;shapes.dll
public class TestClass
public static void Main()
Shape[] shapes =
new Square(5, "Square #1"),
new Circle(3, "Circle #1"),
new Rectangle( 4, 5, "Rectangle #1")

System.Console.WriteLine("Shapes Collection");
foreach(Shape s in shapes)


Operator Overloading

// complex.cs
using System;

public struct Complex
public int real;
public int imaginary;

public Complex(int real, int imaginary)
this.real = real;
this.imaginary = imaginary;

// Declare which operator to overload (+), the types
// that can be added (two Complex objects), and the
// return type (Complex):
public static Complex operator +(Complex c1, Complex c2)
return new Complex(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imaginary + c2.imaginary);
// Override the ToString method to display an complex number in the suitable format:
public override string ToString()
return(String.Format("{0} + {1}i", real, imaginary));

public static void Main()
Complex num1 = new Complex(2,3);
Complex num2 = new Complex(3,4);

// Add two Complex objects (num1 and num2) through the
// overloaded plus operator:
Complex sum = num1 + num2;

// Print the numbers and the sum using the overriden ToString method:
Console.WriteLine("First complex number: {0}",num1);
Console.WriteLine("Second complex number: {0}",num2);
Console.WriteLine("The sum of the two numbers: {0}",sum);


// dbbool.cs
using System;

public struct DBBool
// The three possible DBBool values:
public static readonly DBBool dbNull = new DBBool(0);
public static readonly DBBool dbFalse = new DBBool(-1);
public static readonly DBBool dbTrue = new DBBool(1);
// Private field that stores -1, 0, 1 for dbFalse, dbNull, dbTrue:
int value;

// Private constructor. The value parameter must be -1, 0, or 1:
DBBool(int value)
this.value = value;

// Implicit conversion from bool to DBBool. Maps true to
// DBBool.dbTrue and false to DBBool.dbFalse:
public static implicit operator DBBool(bool x)
return x? dbTrue: dbFalse;

// Explicit conversion from DBBool to bool. Throws an
// exception if the given DBBool is dbNull, otherwise returns
// true or false:
public static explicit operator bool(DBBool x)
if (x.value == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException();
return x.value > 0;

// Equality operator. Returns dbNull if either operand is dbNull,
// otherwise returns dbTrue or dbFalse:
public static DBBool operator ==(DBBool x, DBBool y)
if (x.value == 0 || y.value == 0) return dbNull;
return x.value == y.value? dbTrue: dbFalse;

// Inequality operator. Returns dbNull if either operand is
// dbNull, otherwise returns dbTrue or dbFalse:
public static DBBool operator !=(DBBool x, DBBool y)
if (x.value == 0 || y.value == 0) return dbNull;
return x.value != y.value? dbTrue: dbFalse;

// Logical negation operator. Returns dbTrue if the operand is
// dbFalse, dbNull if the operand is dbNull, or dbFalse if the
// operand is dbTrue:
public static DBBool operator !(DBBool x)
return new DBBool(-x.value);

// Logical AND operator. Returns dbFalse if either operand is
// dbFalse, dbNull if either operand is dbNull, otherwise dbTrue:
public static DBBool operator &(DBBool x, DBBool y)
return new DBBool(x.value < y.value? x.value: y.value);

// Logical OR operator. Returns dbTrue if either operand is
// dbTrue, dbNull if either operand is dbNull, otherwise dbFalse:
public static DBBool operator |(DBBool x, DBBool y)
return new DBBool(x.value > y.value? x.value: y.value);

// Definitely true operator. Returns true if the operand is
// dbTrue, false otherwise:
public static bool operator true(DBBool x)
return x.value > 0;

// Definitely false operator. Returns true if the operand is
// dbFalse, false otherwise:
public static bool operator false(DBBool x)
return x.value < 0;

// Overload the conversion from DBBool to string:
public static implicit operator string(DBBool x)
return x.value > 0 ? "dbTrue"
: x.value < 0 ? "dbFalse"
: "dbNull";

// Override the Object.Equals(object o) method:
public override bool Equals(object o)
return (bool) (this == (DBBool) o);
return false;

// Override the Object.GetHashCode() method:
public override int GetHashCode()
return value;

// Override the ToString method to convert DBBool to a string:
public override string ToString()
switch (value)
case -1:
return "DBBool.False";
case 0:
return "DBBool.Null";
case 1:
return "DBBool.True";
throw new InvalidOperationException();

class Test
static void Main()
DBBool a, b;
a = DBBool.dbTrue;
b = DBBool.dbNull;

Console.WriteLine( "!{0} = {1}", a, !a);
Console.WriteLine( "!{0} = {1}", b, !b);
Console.WriteLine( "{0} & {1} = {2}", a, b, a & b);
Console.WriteLine( "{0} | {1} = {2}", a, b, a | b);
// Invoke the true operator to determine the Boolean
// value of the DBBool variable:
if (b)
Console.WriteLine("b is definitely true");
Console.WriteLine("b is not definitely true");


// OleDbSample.cs
// To build this sample from the command line, use the command:
// csc oledbsample.cs

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class MainClass
public static void Main ()
// Set Access connection and select strings.
// The path to BugTypes.MDB must be changed if you build the sample
// from the command line:
string strAccessConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=..\\..\\BugTypes.MDB";
string strAccessConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=BugTypes.MDB";
string strAccessSelect = "SELECT * FROM Categories";

// Create the dataset and add the Categories table to it:
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection myAccessConn = null;
myAccessConn = new OleDbConnection(strAccessConn);
catch(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: Failed to create a database connection. \n{0}", ex.Message);


OleDbCommand myAccessCommand = new OleDbCommand(strAccessSelect,myAccessConn);
OleDbDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(myAccessCommand);


catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Error: Failed to retrieve the required data from the DataBase.\n{0}", ex.Message);

// A dataset can contain multiple tables, so let's get them all
// into an array:
DataTableCollection dta = myDataSet.Tables;
foreach (DataTable dt in dta)
Console.WriteLine("Found data table {0}", dt.TableName);

// The next two lines show two different ways you can get the
// count of tables in a dataset:
Console.WriteLine("{0} tables in data set", myDataSet.Tables.Count);
Console.WriteLine("{0} tables in data set", dta.Count);
// The next several lines show how to get information on a
// specific table by name from the dataset:
Console.WriteLine("{0} rows in Categories table", myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Rows.Count);
// The column info is automatically fetched from the database, so
// we can read it here:
Console.WriteLine("{0} columns in Categories table", myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Columns.Count);
DataColumnCollection drc = myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Columns;
int i = 0;
foreach (DataColumn dc in drc)
// Print the column subscript, then the column's name and its
// data type:
Console.WriteLine("Column name[{0}] is {1}, of type {2}",i++ , dc.ColumnName, dc.DataType);
DataRowCollection dra = myDataSet.Tables["Categories"].Rows;
foreach (DataRow dr in dra)
// Print the CategoryID as a subscript, then the CategoryName:
Console.WriteLine("CategoryName[{0}] is {1}", dr[0], dr[1]);


Nullable Basics, Boxing, Nullable Operator

using System;

class NullableBasics
static void DisplayValue(int? num)
if (num.HasValue == true)
Console.WriteLine("num = " + num);
Console.WriteLine("num = null");

// num.Value throws an InvalidOperationException if num.HasValue is false
Console.WriteLine("value = {0}", num.Value);
catch (InvalidOperationException e)

static void Main()

using System;

class NullableBoxing
static void Main()
int? a;
object oa;

// Assigns a to Nullable (value = default(int), hasValue = false).
a = null;

// Assigns oa to null (because x==null), not boxed "int?".
oa = a;

Console.WriteLine("Testing 'a' and 'boxed a' for null...");
// Nullable variables can be compared to null.
if (a == null)
Console.WriteLine(" a == null");

// Boxed nullable variables can be compared to null
// because boxing a nullable where HasValue==false
// sets the reference to null.
if (oa == null)
Console.WriteLine(" oa == null");

Console.WriteLine("Unboxing a nullable type...");
int? b = 10;
object ob = b;

// Boxed nullable types can be unboxed
int? unBoxedB = (int?)ob;
Console.WriteLine(" b={0}, unBoxedB={0}", b, unBoxedB);

// Unboxing a nullable type set to null works if
// unboxed into a nullable type.
int? unBoxedA = (int?)oa;
if (oa == null && unBoxedA == null)
Console.WriteLine(" a and unBoxedA are null");

Console.WriteLine("Attempting to unbox into non-nullable type...");
// Unboxing a nullable type set to null throws an
// exception if unboxed into a non-nullable type.
int unBoxedA2 = (int)oa;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", e.Message);


using System;

class NullableOperator
static int? GetNullableInt()
return null;

static string GetStringValue()
return null;

static void Main()
// ?? operator example.
int? x = null;

// y = x, unless x is null, in which case y = -1.
int y = x ?? -1;
Console.WriteLine("y == " + y);

// Assign i to return value of method, unless
// return value is null, in which case assign
// default value of int to i.
int i = GetNullableInt() ?? default(int);
Console.WriteLine("i == " + i);

// ?? also works with reference types.
string s = GetStringValue();
// Display contents of s, unless s is null,
// in which case display "Unspecified".
Console.WriteLine("s = {0}", s ?? "null");



// indexer.cs
// arguments: indexer.txt
using System;
using System.IO;

// Class to provide access to a large file
// as if it were a byte array.
public class FileByteArray
Stream stream; // Holds the underlying stream
// used to access the file.
// Create a new FileByteArray encapsulating a particular file.
public FileByteArray(string fileName)
stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);

// Close the stream. This should be the last thing done
// when you are finished.
public void Close()
stream = null;

// Indexer to provide read/write access to the file.
public byte this[long index] // long is a 64-bit integer
// Read one byte at offset index and return it.
byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
stream.Seek(index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
stream.Read(buffer, 0, 1);
return buffer[0];
// Write one byte at offset index and return it.
byte[] buffer = new byte[1] {value};
stream.Seek(index, SeekOrigin.Begin);
stream.Write(buffer, 0, 1);

// Get the total length of the file.
public long Length
return stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

// Demonstrate the FileByteArray class.
// Reverses the bytes in a file.
public class Reverse
public static void Main(String[] args)
// Check for arguments.
if (args.Length != 1)
Console.WriteLine("Usage : Indexer ");

// Check for file existence
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(args[0]))
Console.WriteLine("File " + args[0] + " not found.");

FileByteArray file = new FileByteArray(args[0]);
long len = file.Length;

// Swap bytes in the file to reverse it.
for (long i = 0; i < len / 2; ++i)
byte t;

// Note that indexing the "file" variable invokes the
// indexer on the FileByteStream class, which reads
// and writes the bytes in the file.
t = file[i];
file[i] = file[len - i - 1];
file[len - i - 1] = t;


Indexed Property

using System;

public class Document
// Type allowing the document to be viewed like an array of words:
public class WordCollection
readonly Document document; // The containing document

internal WordCollection(Document d)
document = d;

// Helper function -- search character array "text", starting at
// character "begin", for word number "wordCount." Returns false
// if there are less than wordCount words. Sets "start" and
// length" to the position and length of the word within text:
private bool GetWord(char[] text, int begin, int wordCount,
out int start, out int length)
int end = text.Length;
int count = 0;
int inWord = -1;
start = length = 0;

for (int i = begin; i <= end; ++i)
bool isLetter = i < end && Char.IsLetterOrDigit(text[i]);

if (inWord >= 0)
if (!isLetter)
if (count++ == wordCount)
start = inWord;
length = i - inWord;
return true;
inWord = -1;
if (isLetter)
inWord = i;
return false;

// Indexer to get and set words of the containing document:
public string this[int index]
int start, length;
if (GetWord(document.TextArray, 0, index, out start,
out length))
return new string(document.TextArray, start, length);
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
int start, length;
if (GetWord(document.TextArray, 0, index, out start,
out length))
// Replace the word at start/length with the
// string "value":
if (length == value.Length)
Array.Copy(value.ToCharArray(), 0,
document.TextArray, start, length);
char[] newText =
new char[document.TextArray.Length +
value.Length - length];
Array.Copy(document.TextArray, 0, newText,
0, start);
Array.Copy(value.ToCharArray(), 0, newText,
start, value.Length);
Array.Copy(document.TextArray, start + length,
newText, start + value.Length,
document.TextArray.Length - start
- length);
document.TextArray = newText;
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

// Get the count of words in the containing document:
public int Count
int count = 0, start = 0, length = 0;
while (GetWord(document.TextArray, start + length, 0,
out start, out length))
return count;

// Type allowing the document to be viewed like an "array"
// of characters:
public class CharacterCollection
readonly Document document; // The containing document

internal CharacterCollection(Document d)
document = d;

// Indexer to get and set characters in the containing document:
public char this[int index]
return document.TextArray[index];
document.TextArray[index] = value;

// Get the count of characters in the containing document:
public int Count
return document.TextArray.Length;

// Because the types of the fields have indexers,
// these fields appear as "indexed properties":
public WordCollection Words;
public CharacterCollection Characters;

private char[] TextArray; // The text of the document.

public Document(string initialText)
TextArray = initialText.ToCharArray();
Words = new WordCollection(this);
Characters = new CharacterCollection(this);

public string Text
return new string(TextArray);

class Test
static void Main()
Document d = new Document(
"peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did peter piper pick?"

// Change word "peter" to "penelope":
for (int i = 0; i < d.Words.Count; ++i)
if (d.Words[i] == "peter")
d.Words[i] = "penelope";

// Change character "p" to "P"
for (int i = 0; i < d.Characters.Count; ++i)
if (d.Characters[i] == 'p')
d.Characters[i] = 'P';



using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace Generics_CSharp
//Type parameter T in angle brackets.
public class MyList : IEnumerable
protected Node head;
protected Node current = null;

// Nested type is also generic on T
protected class Node
public Node next;
//T as private member datatype.
private T data;
//T used in non-generic constructor.
public Node(T t)
next = null;
data = t;
public Node Next
get { return next; }
set { next = value; }
//T as return type of property.
public T Data
get { return data; }
set { data = value; }

public MyList()
head = null;

//T as method parameter type.
public void AddHead(T t)
Node n = new Node(t);
n.Next = head;
head = n;

// Implement GetEnumerator to return IEnumerator to enable
// foreach iteration of our list. Note that in C# 2.0
// you are not required to implement Current and MoveNext.
// The compiler will create a class that implements IEnumerator.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
Node current = head;

while (current != null)
yield return current.Data;
current = current.Next;

// We must implement this method because
// IEnumerable inherits IEnumerable
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();

public class SortedList : MyList where T : IComparable
// A simple, unoptimized sort algorithm that
// orders list elements from lowest to highest:
public void BubbleSort()
if (null == head || null == head.Next)

bool swapped;
Node previous = null;
Node current = head;
swapped = false;

while ( != null)
// Because we need to call this method, the SortedList
// class is constrained on IEnumerable
if (current.Data.CompareTo( > 0)
Node tmp =; =; = current;

if (previous == null)
head = tmp;
{ = tmp;
previous = tmp;
swapped = true;

previous = current;
current =;

}// end while
} while (swapped);

// A simple class that implements IComparable
// using itself as the type argument. This is a
// common design pattern in objects that are
// stored in generic lists.
public class Person : IComparable
string name;
int age;

public Person(string s, int i)
name = s;
age = i;

// This will cause list elements
// to be sorted on age values.
public int CompareTo(Person p)
return age - p.age;

public override string ToString()
return name + ":" + age;

// Must implement Equals.
public bool Equals(Person p)
return (this.age == p.age);

class Generics
static void Main(string[] args)
//Declare and instantiate a new generic SortedList class.
//Person is the type argument.
SortedList list = new SortedList();

//Create name and age values to initialize Person objects.
string[] names = new string[] { "Franscoise", "Bill", "Li", "Sandra", "Gunnar", "Alok", "Hiroyuki", "Maria", "Alessandro", "Raul" };
int[] ages = new int[] { 45, 19, 28, 23, 18, 9, 108, 72, 30, 35 };

//Populate the list.
for (int x = 0; x < names.Length; x++)
list.AddHead(new Person(names[x], ages[x]));

Console.WriteLine("Unsorted List:");
//Print out unsorted list.
foreach (Person p in list)

//Sort the list.

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}Sorted List:", Environment.NewLine));
//Print out sorted list.
foreach (Person p in list)



Explicit Interface

// explicit1.cs
interface IDimensions
float Length();
float Width();

class Box : IDimensions
float lengthInches;
float widthInches;

public Box(float length, float width)
lengthInches = length;
widthInches = width;
// Explicit interface member implementation:
float IDimensions.Length()
return lengthInches;
// Explicit interface member implementation:
float IDimensions.Width()
return widthInches;

public static void Main()
// Declare a class instance "myBox":
Box myBox = new Box(30.0f, 20.0f);
// Declare an interface instance "myDimensions":
IDimensions myDimensions = (IDimensions) myBox;
// Print out the dimensions of the box:
/* The following commented lines would produce compilation
errors because they try to access an explicitly implemented
interface member from a class instance: */
//System.Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", myBox.Length());
//System.Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}", myBox.Width());
/* Print out the dimensions of the box by calling the methods
from an instance of the interface: */
System.Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", myDimensions.Length());
System.Console.WriteLine("Width: {0}", myDimensions.Width());

// explicit2.cs
// Declare the English units interface:
interface IEnglishDimensions
float Length();
float Width();
// Declare the metric units interface:
interface IMetricDimensions
float Length();
float Width();
// Declare the "Box" class that implements the two interfaces:
// IEnglishDimensions and IMetricDimensions:
class Box : IEnglishDimensions, IMetricDimensions
float lengthInches;
float widthInches;
public Box(float length, float width)
lengthInches = length;
widthInches = width;
// Explicitly implement the members of IEnglishDimensions:
float IEnglishDimensions.Length()
return lengthInches;
float IEnglishDimensions.Width()
return widthInches;
// Explicitly implement the members of IMetricDimensions:
float IMetricDimensions.Length()
return lengthInches * 2.54f;
float IMetricDimensions.Width()
return widthInches * 2.54f;
public static void Main()
// Declare a class instance "myBox":
Box myBox = new Box(30.0f, 20.0f);
// Declare an instance of the English units interface:
IEnglishDimensions eDimensions = (IEnglishDimensions) myBox;
// Declare an instance of the metric units interface:
IMetricDimensions mDimensions = (IMetricDimensions) myBox;
// Print dimensions in English units:
System.Console.WriteLine("Length(in): {0}", eDimensions.Length());
System.Console.WriteLine("Width (in): {0}", eDimensions.Width());
// Print dimensions in metric units:
System.Console.WriteLine("Length(cm): {0}", mDimensions.Length());
System.Console.WriteLine("Width (cm): {0}", mDimensions.Width());


using System;
namespace MyCollections
using System.Collections;

// A delegate type for hooking up change notifications.
public delegate void ChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

// A class that works just like ArrayList, but sends event
// notifications whenever the list changes.
public class ListWithChangedEvent: ArrayList
// An event that clients can use to be notified whenever the
// elements of the list change.
public event ChangedEventHandler Changed;

// Invoke the Changed event; called whenever list changes
protected virtual void OnChanged(EventArgs e)
if (Changed != null)
Changed(this, e);

// Override some of the methods that can change the list;
// invoke event after each
public override int Add(object value)
int i = base.Add(value);
return i;

public override void Clear()

public override object this[int index]
base[index] = value;

namespace TestEvents
using MyCollections;

class EventListener
private ListWithChangedEvent List;

public EventListener(ListWithChangedEvent list)
List = list;
// Add "ListChanged" to the Changed event on "List".
List.Changed += new ChangedEventHandler(ListChanged);

// This will be called whenever the list changes.
private void ListChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("This is called when the event fires.");

public void Detach()
// Detach the event and delete the list
List.Changed -= new ChangedEventHandler(ListChanged);
List = null;

class Test
// Test the ListWithChangedEvent class.
public static void Main()
// Create a new list.
ListWithChangedEvent list = new ListWithChangedEvent();

// Create a class that listens to the list's change event.
EventListener listener = new EventListener(list);

// Add and remove items from the list.
list.Add("item 1");


// compose.cs
using System;

delegate void MyDelegate(string s);

class MyClass
public static void Hello(string s)
Console.WriteLine(" Hello, {0}!", s);

public static void Goodbye(string s)
Console.WriteLine(" Goodbye, {0}!", s);

public static void Main()
MyDelegate a, b, c, d;

// Create the delegate object a that references
// the method Hello:
a = new MyDelegate(Hello);
// Create the delegate object b that references
// the method Goodbye:
b = new MyDelegate(Goodbye);
// The two delegates, a and b, are composed to form c,
// which calls both methods in order:
c = a + b;
// Remove a from the composed delegate, leaving d,
// which calls only the method Goodbye:
d = c - a;

Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate a:");
Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate b:");
Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate c:");
Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate d:");


// bookstore.cs
using System;

// A set of classes for handling a bookstore:
namespace Bookstore
using System.Collections;

// Describes a book in the book list:
public struct Book
public string Title; // Title of the book.
public string Author; // Author of the book.
public decimal Price; // Price of the book.
public bool Paperback; // Is it paperback?

public Book(string title, string author, decimal price, bool paperBack)
Title = title;
Author = author;
Price = price;
Paperback = paperBack;

// Declare a delegate type for processing a book:
public delegate void ProcessBookDelegate(Book book);

// Maintains a book database.
public class BookDB
// List of all books in the database:
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

// Add a book to the database:
public void AddBook(string title, string author, decimal price, bool paperBack)
list.Add(new Book(title, author, price, paperBack));

// Call a passed-in delegate on each paperback book to process it:
public void ProcessPaperbackBooks(ProcessBookDelegate processBook)
foreach (Book b in list)
if (b.Paperback)
// Calling the delegate:

// Using the Bookstore classes:
namespace BookTestClient
using Bookstore;

// Class to total and average prices of books:
class PriceTotaller
int countBooks = 0;
decimal priceBooks = 0.0m;

internal void AddBookToTotal(Book book)
countBooks += 1;
priceBooks += book.Price;

internal decimal AveragePrice()
return priceBooks / countBooks;

// Class to test the book database:
class Test
// Print the title of the book.
static void PrintTitle(Book b)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", b.Title);

// Execution starts here.
static void Main()
BookDB bookDB = new BookDB();

// Initialize the database with some books:

// Print all the titles of paperbacks:
Console.WriteLine("Paperback Book Titles:");
// Create a new delegate object associated with the static
// method Test.PrintTitle:
bookDB.ProcessPaperbackBooks(new ProcessBookDelegate(PrintTitle));

// Get the average price of a paperback by using
// a PriceTotaller object:
PriceTotaller totaller = new PriceTotaller();
// Create a new delegate object associated with the nonstatic
// method AddBookToTotal on the object totaller:
bookDB.ProcessPaperbackBooks(new ProcessBookDelegate(totaller.AddBookToTotal));
Console.WriteLine("Average Paperback Book Price: ${0:#.##}",

// Initialize the book database with some test books:
static void AddBooks(BookDB bookDB)
bookDB.AddBook("The C Programming Language",
"Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie", 19.95m, true);
bookDB.AddBook("The Unicode Standard 2.0",
"The Unicode Consortium", 39.95m, true);
bookDB.AddBook("The MS-DOS Encyclopedia",
"Ray Duncan", 129.95m, false);
bookDB.AddBook("Dogbert's Clues for the Clueless",
"Scott Adams", 12.00m, true);

Conditional Method

// CondMethod.cs
// compile with: /target:library /d:DEBUG
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace TraceFunctions
public class Trace
public static void Message(string traceMessage)
Console.WriteLine("[TRACE] - " + traceMessage);

// TraceTest.cs
// compile with: /reference:CondMethod.dll
// arguments: A B C
using System;
using TraceFunctions;

public class TraceClient
public static void Main(string[] args)
Trace.Message("Main Starting");

if (args.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No arguments have been passed");
for( int i=0; i < args.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Arg[{0}] is [{1}]",i,args[i]);

Trace.Message("Main Ending");

Collection Classes

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class Tokens: IEnumerable
private string[] elements;

Tokens(string source, char[] delimiters)
elements = source.Split(delimiters);

// IEnumerable Interface Implementation:

public TokenEnumerator GetEnumerator() // non-IEnumerable version
return new TokenEnumerator(this);

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() // IEnumerable version
return (IEnumerator) new TokenEnumerator(this);

// Inner class implements IEnumerator interface:

public class TokenEnumerator: IEnumerator
private int position = -1;
private Tokens t;

public TokenEnumerator(Tokens t)
this.t = t;

public bool MoveNext()
if (position < t.elements.Length - 1)
return true;
return false;

public void Reset()
position = -1;

public string Current // non-IEnumerator version: type-safe
return t.elements[position];

object IEnumerator.Current // IEnumerator version: returns object
return t.elements[position];

// Test Tokens, TokenEnumerator

static void Main()
Tokens f = new Tokens("This is a well-done program.",
new char [] {' ','-'});
foreach (string item in f) // try changing string to int

Collection Classes

using System;
using System.Collections;

// Declare the Tokens class:
public class Tokens : IEnumerable
private string[] elements;

Tokens(string source, char[] delimiters)
// Parse the string into tokens:
elements = source.Split(delimiters);

// IEnumerable Interface Implementation:
// Declaration of the GetEnumerator() method
// required by IEnumerable
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new TokenEnumerator(this);

// Inner class implements IEnumerator interface:
private class TokenEnumerator : IEnumerator
private int position = -1;
private Tokens t;

public TokenEnumerator(Tokens t)
this.t = t;

// Declare the MoveNext method required by IEnumerator:
public bool MoveNext()
if (position < t.elements.Length - 1)
return true;
return false;

// Declare the Reset method required by IEnumerator:
public void Reset()
position = -1;

// Declare the Current property required by IEnumerator:
public object Current
return t.elements[position];

// Test Tokens, TokenEnumerator

static void Main()
// Testing Tokens by breaking the string into tokens:
Tokens f = new Tokens("This is a well-done program.",
new char[] {' ','-'});
foreach (string item in f)



using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;

// The IsTested class is a user-defined custom attribute class.
// It can be applied to any declaration including
// - types (struct, class, enum, delegate)
// - members (methods, fields, events, properties, indexers)
// It is used with no arguments.
public class IsTestedAttribute : Attribute
public override string ToString()
return "Is Tested";

// The AuthorAttribute class is a user-defined attribute class.
// It can be applied to classes and struct declarations only.
// It takes one unnamed string argument (the author's name).
// It has one optional named argument Version, which is of type int.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct)]
public class AuthorAttribute : Attribute
// This constructor specifies the unnamed arguments to the attribute class.
public AuthorAttribute(string name)
{ = name;
this.version = 0;

// This property is readonly (it has no set accessor)
// so it cannot be used as a named argument to this attribute.
public string Name
return name;

// This property is read-write (it has a set accessor)
// so it can be used as a named argument when using this
// class as an attribute class.
public int Version
return version;
version = value;

public override string ToString()
string value = "Author : " + Name;
if (version != 0)
value += " Version : " + Version.ToString();
return value;

private string name;
private int version;

// Here you attach the AuthorAttribute user-defined custom attribute to
// the Account class. The unnamed string argument is passed to the
// AuthorAttribute class's constructor when creating the attributes.
[Author("Joe Programmer")]
class Account
// Attach the IsTestedAttribute custom attribute to this method.
public void AddOrder(Order orderToAdd)

private ArrayList orders = new ArrayList();

// Attach the AuthorAttribute and IsTestedAttribute custom attributes
// to this class.
// Note the use of the 'Version' named argument to the AuthorAttribute.
[Author("Jane Programmer", Version = 2), IsTested()]
class Order
// add stuff here ...

class MainClass
private static bool IsMemberTested(MemberInfo member)
foreach (object attribute in member.GetCustomAttributes(true))
if (attribute is IsTestedAttribute)
return true;
return false;

private static void DumpAttributes(MemberInfo member)
Console.WriteLine("Attributes for : " + member.Name);
foreach (object attribute in member.GetCustomAttributes(true))

public static void Main()
// display attributes for Account class

// display list of tested members
foreach (MethodInfo method in (typeof(Account)).GetMethods())
if (IsMemberTested(method))
Console.WriteLine("Member {0} is tested!", method.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Member {0} is NOT tested!", method.Name);

// display attributes for Order class

// display attributes for methods on the Order class
foreach (MethodInfo method in (typeof(Order)).GetMethods())
if (IsMemberTested(method))
Console.WriteLine("Member {0} is tested!", method.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Member {0} is NOT tested!", method.Name);


using System;
class DeclareArraysSample
public static void Main()
// Single-dimensional array
int[] numbers = new int[5];

// Multidimensional array
string[,] names = new string[5,4];

// Array-of-arrays (jagged array)
byte[][] scores = new byte[5][];

// Create the jagged array
for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
scores[i] = new byte[i+3];

// Print length of each row
for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Length of row {0} is {1}", i, scores[i].Length);

Anonymous Delegate

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace AnonymousDelegate

// Define the delegate method.
delegate decimal CalculateBonus(decimal sales);

// Define an Employee type.
class Employee
public string name;
public decimal sales;
public decimal bonus;
public CalculateBonus calculation_algorithm;

class Program

// This class will define two delegates that perform a calculation.
// The first will be a named method, the second an anonymous delegate.

// This is the named method.
// It defines one possible implementation of the Bonus Calculation algorithm.

static decimal CalculateStandardBonus(decimal sales)
return sales / 10;

static void Main(string[] args)

// A value used in the calculation of the bonus.
// Note: This local variable will become a "captured outer variable".
decimal multiplier = 2;

// This delegate is defined as a named method.
CalculateBonus standard_bonus = new CalculateBonus (CalculateStandardBonus);

// This delegate is anonymous - there is no named method.
// It defines an alternative bonus calculation algorithm.
CalculateBonus enhanced_bonus = delegate(decimal sales) { return multiplier * sales / 10; };

// Declare some Employee objects.
Employee[] staff = new Employee[5];

// Populate the array of Employees.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
staff[i] = new Employee();

// Assign initial values to Employees.
staff[0].name = "Mr Apple";
staff[0].sales = 100;
staff[0].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

staff[1].name = "Ms Banana";
staff[1].sales = 200;
staff[1].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

staff[2].name = "Mr Cherry";
staff[2].sales = 300;
staff[2].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

staff[3].name = "Mr Date";
staff[3].sales = 100;
staff[3].calculation_algorithm = enhanced_bonus;

staff[4].name = "Ms Elderberry";
staff[4].sales = 250;
staff[4].calculation_algorithm = enhanced_bonus;

// Calculate bonus for all Employees
foreach (Employee person in staff)

// Display the details of all Employees
foreach (Employee person in staff)


public static void PerformBonusCalculation(Employee person)

// This method uses the delegate stored in the person object
// to perform the calculation.
// Note: This method knows about the multiplier local variable, even though
// that variable is outside the scope of this method.
// The multipler varaible is a "captured outer variable".
person.bonus = person.calculation_algorithm(person.sales);

public static void DisplayPersonDetails(Employee person)